Elevation graph
Selected part
GPS file
Other sections of the Waterliniepad
Overview map Waterliniepad
Dutch Long Distance Hiking Routes (LAWs)
Dutch Regional Paths
Other routes

Waterliniepad from Postillion Hotel

Hiking map, Points of Interest, Elevation graph and GPS File

Route from Postillion Hotel(Hotel). Distance Postillion Hotel to the Waterliniepad 1.95 km.
Postillion Hotel(Hotel)

POIs Waterliniepad from Postillion Hotel (route on the Waterliniepad of 45km)

Route to Volendam

- Click on a name of a point in the table for a detailed map and more information.
- Or select your own start and end point on the map.
- Or select a start point and an end point in the table and press the start and end point button below the table.
- More options see the text below the table.

Select the POI to display in the table

Other sections of the Waterliniepad
Route to Dordrecht


From / To Distance to the route Distance along the route
Postillion Hotel (Hotel)
End (End of selection)
Total stage
Ascend (m)
Descend (m)

Below are two alternative selection methods
1. Select a starting point in the table and enter the number of kms from the starting point: km and click on the button.
2. Select a starting point based on kms from Volendam and enter the number of kilometers from the starting point:
Start point: km. Km's from starting point: km and click on the button.
With this last selection method, exactly any desired stage can be displayed.

Map selected part Waterliniepad

The route of the Waterliniepad is displayed in red. The shortest direct connections between the Waterliniepad and the start and end points are shown in blue. These direct connections may not be possible!

Double-click a location on the map (near the Waterliniepad) for a new starting point of the route. Or click on the button for the route from the

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Elevation graph Waterliniepad from Postillion Hotel

The elevation data contains minor measurement errors. As a result, possibly more height differences can be seen in the elevation graph than in reality.
The elevation graph does not show the elevations of the start and end points and links to the route!

Selected part Waterliniepad Route from Postillion Hotel (Hotel)

Shortest distance from Postillion Hotel to the Waterliniepad: 1.95 km
Length of the displayed part of the Waterliniepad: 45.0 km

Total ascend
132 m
Total Descend 133 m
The elevation data contains minor measurement errors which can cause the total ascend and the total decend to be (far) too high.
The altitude differences on the routes from the starting point to the hiking route and from the walking route to the endpoint are not included in the totals!

Calculate walking time
Speed on level terrain km/h
Ascend speed m/h
Descend speed m/h
The speeds to be used for the calculation can be adjusted.

The calculation is an approximation. The actual duration varies per person and also depends on the terrain and the weather conditions.
The formula used to calculate the walking time: Walkingtime = distance / horizontalspeed + ( totalascend / ascendspeed + totaldescend / descendspeed)/2

GPS file selected part Waterliniepad

The GPS files (.gpx) can be used with a smartphone or GPS device.
Download the gpx file with the track and the POIs
Download track and POIs

Info selected points


Waterliniepad from south to north

In other languages

Notes on the map and the table

The route of the Waterliniepad is based on Openstreetmap.org data. The route is obtained from waymarkedtrail.org.
The most recent version of the route can be seen on Waymarkedtrails and Openstreetmap. The Waterliniepad route was downloaded from Waymarkedtrails on June 25, 2022.
waymarkedtrails.org openstreetmap.org
Heights have been added to Waymarkedtrails tracks using the website gpsvisualizer.com.

The exact locations of Cities, Towns, Villages and Hamlets are based on the locations that Openstreetmap gives. Usually this is somewhere in the center.

The distances in the table and on the map are an approximation!! This is because the actual routes from the Waterliniepad to the POI are not included.
The distance from a Point Of Interest (POI) to the Waterliniepad is the shortest distance to the Waterliniepad in a direct line.

The distances between two POIs (point 1 and point 2) are calculated as follows
Total distance = Distance point 1 to nearest point on the Waterliniepad + Distance point 2 to nearest point on the Waterliniepad + Distance between the two nearest points on the Waterliniepad

If points 1 and 2 are close to the Waterliniepad, the calculated distance is usually a good approximation.
If one of the two points is situated further from Waterliniepad, the actual distance may differ (significantly) from the calculated distance.

It is recommended to check the route from a starting point to the Waterliniepad and from the Waterliniepad to the end of a stage! This may e.g. by zooming in on the map and checking for a path or road from the starting point to the Waterliniepad and from the Waterliniepad to the end point.

The track of the Waterliniepad may include errors. Also, the recorded POIs may include errors! It is recommended to check the track and points before walking the path!
Other sources for the route

Data routes and POI by OpenStreetMap.org contributors under CC BY-SA 2.0 license.


For questions please send an email or visite the Facebook page of longdistancepaths.eu.